game:play Lab Co-Director Cindy Poremba presented outcomes from the Renewable Artgames Residency prototype, a collaboration with AUArts faculty member Kara Stone. Cindy additionally Co-Chaired (with Annakaisa Kultima) the new Experimental Track at DiGRA, which was […]
Author: Cindy Poremba
Bodies in Residency is now on!
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Bodies in Residency program, as a part of a three-year feminist research-creation collaboration between OCAD University’s game:play Lab, Social Body Lab, and DMG. This initiative brings […]
Bodies in play zine (2022)
The Bodies in Play Zine (from our launch playshop) is now mirrored on our server. You can find it here!
Request a spot for Bodies in extended realities (Bix)
we are excited to announce a new Bodies in Play series: Bodies in X (BiX)! Bodies in “eXtended realities” is one week (Jan 21-28th 2024) of hands-on events exploring how, by combining stand-alone virtual reality […]
Renewable artgames residency (RAR)
The Renewable Artgames Residency was a remote synchronous sustainable gamemaking off-grid residency organized by Kara Stone and Cindy Poremba. The prototype residency ran the first week of August 2023, with invited participant artist Meagan Byrne. […]
Bodies in VR
Bodies in VR is part of the Bodies in Play partnership between OCAD University’s game:play Lab and Social Body Lab, and DMG.
Bodies in Wearables registration Now Open
Make wearables and explore embodied expression through the use of LEDs, motors, and microcontrollers – registration for the “Bodies in Wearables” Workshops & Jam is now open! Events include: Workshop 1: LEDs for Personal Expression […]
BiP at #lowcarbonmethods
BiP (our research partnership with the Social Body Lab and DMG) has published the Bodies in Play Zine, part of the DIY Methods 2022 Conference. Follow the conference on Twitter September 19th, 2022, using the […]
ATEDN gains honourable mention from A maze. 2022
As the End Drew Near, a VVV game from game:play Lab Co-Director Cindy Poremba, and Lab/DF graduate alumni Max Lander, has been recognized with an Honourable Mention from the 2022 A MAZE. Festival (Berlin, DE). […]
Bodies in Play launch
Join us on Saturday, February 5th, 2022 for the Bodies in Play Launch event: It’s a zine playshop, where through a series of playful explorations, we will generate a zine envisioning a new and […]